Improving knowledge and empowering young people in their sexual and reproductive health and rights! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Improving knowledge and empowering young people in their sexual and reproductive health and rights!

Many young people have missed out on in-school Comprehensive Sexuality Education and this in turn has a significant impact on their transition to adulthood. They do not have access to accurate information about their sexual and reproductive health.(SRH). This lack of information may lead to risky sexual behaviour, which in turn puts them at risk of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), teenage pregnancy, child marriage and Gender Based Violence (GBV)

A 3 day training programme on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for youth was carried out for students of the Vocational Training Center, Seethawakapura from the 25th - 27th of September 2018.

Resource Persons were: Dr. Gayani Nanayakkara-Consultant STI Unit Base Hospital Avissawella, Dr. Sudharshani Mahakumburage MO ,Base Hospital Avissawella ,Mr Sunil Senarathne Deputy Director Outreach Unit FPASL ,Mr Nisantha Hettiarachchi Senior Manager and Mrs Sujeewa Yahampatharachchi Programme Coordinator at SDP Seethawaka.



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