FPASL endorses the statement made by the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists regarding human sexuality and mental illness | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPASL endorses the statement made by the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists regarding human sexuality and mental illness

A group of 100 civil society activists made a public appeal from the community of medical professionals to publicly condemn recent anti -lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning, and asexual plus (LGBTIQA+) remarks, made by a medical professional.

Letters in this regard were addressed to the Sri Lanka Medical Association, the Ceylon College of Physicians and the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists (SLCP). Thereafter a statement was released by the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists. (See below) 



With regards to the statement release, FPA Director Advocacy, Sonali Gunasekera made this statement. 

'FPASL supports the statement that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community are to be respected and not discriminated against. The reform of law alone is insufficient to impact real change in the absence of structured conversations directed to reform societal attitudes. In order for some of these conversations to take place, LGBTIQ people should have protection, and this requires, at the very least, decriminalisation of same-sex conduct and explicit Constitutional rights guarantees.'

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