FPA Sri Lanka participates at the IPPF​ Annual Consultative meeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka participates at the IPPF​ Annual Consultative meeting

The  International Planned Parenthood Federation's ( IPPF) Annual Consultative meeting is taking place at the Sir Christopher Wren Hotel in Windsor, England from 10th to 12th June.

This three day gathering plans to inform Global Donors and esteemed participants of IPPF’s performance and funding landscape over the previous year, including the effects of the Global Gag Rule, and also lays down the new President and Director General’s vision and plans for IPPF and will introduce the new Business Plan. Additionally, it also serves as a good opportunity to discuss what is at stake for the global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) architecture in the current environment, affected by increased opposition, and how we can strengthen strategic partnerships to preserve our gains and overcome obstacles.

FPA Sri Lanka​ invited for this forum for the first time, attending as one of the six Member Association's (MA) to illustrate examples of results achieved at the country level, is represented by Mr Rishikeshan Thiyagaraja​- Manager - Social Enterprise Hub. At this conference, FPA Sri Lanka  who is also leading on IPPF’s Social Enterprise Acceleration Programme (SEAP), will be advocating on how Social Enterprise models are gaining strength and on how new enterprise models are helping establish businesses that deliver social value and save lives and allow our MAs to increase the services that they can provide to poor and vulnerable populations.

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