FPA Sri Lanka commemorates Founder’s Day and its 65th anniversary (15th January 2018) | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka commemorates Founder’s Day and its 65th anniversary (15th January 2018)

For 65 years the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka has worked tirelessly propagating family planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, to improve the health and quality of life of women and their families and beyond that the nation. 

Our journey began by introducing family Planning services to the country, when no other party was keen on doing it. A policy decision taken by the government in 1962, integrated family Planning to the Maternal and Child Health services rendered by the state.

FPA Sri Lanka was founded on the strength of people’s belief in a cause. The volunteers who struggled courageously during its formative years handed the baton to the next generation of volunteers to steer the organization forward in the same spirit to propagate family planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Since its establishment in 1953 we are proud of our achievements in the area of women and children’s health and well-being, in education and advocacy, in reaching out to the poor, marginalized and those affected due to humanitarian crisis, in enabling the incidence of STI’s and HIV to remain at a low prevalence rate. 

FPA Sri Lanka has made its own mark in the IPPF fraternity as well. Our Social Marketing Programme (SMP)is hailed as one of the exemplary models within the Federation, as means for sustainability and more importantly in the local context for improving access to contraceptives to millions of people in the country.  

Thus working hand-in-hand with the government, complementing and supplementing products and services, advocating remedies for policy gaps, FPA Sri Lanka has contributed to Sri Lanka achieving excellent health indices on Sexual and Reproductive Health. Our focus is still on SRH, working towards the lofty vision of “building a country with Sexual and Reproductive Heath, as a right to all”

There still remains a lot to be done in the realization of our vision in areas as education, advocacy and policy reforms. FPA Sri Lanka’s commitment to cause is unwavering and will continue in the years to come.

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