FP2020’s 3rd Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FP2020’s 3rd Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop

FP2020’s 3rd Asia Regional Focal Point Workshop is being held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 1st – 4th October 2018.

All 12 of the Asia FP2020 Commitment-making countries will be present – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Viet Nam and Sri Lanka. During the Kathmandu workshop, country Focal Points, technical experts, and partners will discuss challenges and prioritize actions to accelerate progress at the country and regional level with a special focus on Political Will & Leadership, and Reaching Adolescents & Youth and FP Financing.

In the FP2020 approach, countries lead the way, and a team of Focal Points representing government, civil society, and core partners works with the FP2020 Secretariat and stakeholders to drive progress on the country’s FP2020 goals. In each region, the FP2020 Secretariat convenes a regional focal point workshop every 18 months with country focal points, technical experts, and partners to discuss challenges and to prioritize actions to accelerate progress at the country and regional level.

Ms Sonali Gunasekera is representing FPA Sri Lanka at this meeting.

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