The meeting took place on the 22nd of May 2019 with the participation of Community Based Organisations, Non Profit Organisations and Key Population Organisations who provide services according to the National HIV/STI Strategic Plan.
Connecting with most-at-risk populations, who are termed as Key Populations (KPs) globally, is the key strategy of HIV prevention. The KPs identified by the National HIV/STI Strategic Plan, Sri Lanka, 2018-2022, are men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender (TG) persons, female sex workers (FSW), people who use drugs (PWUD) /people who inject drugs (PWID), beach boys (BBs) and prisoners. Since most of these groups operate under the surface, peers are trained to approach them with preventive message and behaviour changing messages.
The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP), Ministry of Health and FPA Sri Lanka will tailor the KP-led HIV prevention interventions to the district-wise needs to contribute to increased case detection and enhanced linkage of KPs to services, in order to achieve the goal set for Sri Lanka to end AIDS in 2025.
Key Strategies