Field visit by FPA’s Board of Directors and Executive Director
Members of the Board, Aruni Marcelline, President, Kusum De Silva, Vice President, Amali David, Chairperson Treasury Management Committee, Shehara De Silva, Chairperson MarCom Committee, Nilanthi Jayathilake, Assistant Secretary, Dr. Pramilla Senanayake, Past President, Melanie Kanaka, Chair Audit Committee, Dr. Ruchitha Perera, Executive Director, R.V.P Rajapakse, Head of Outreach and Sucharitha Wijayagurusinghe, Assistant Director Governance visited the Service Delivery Points located at Seethawaka and Wathupitiwala.
The visits offered the board members a first-hand experience of an outreach clinic, an opportunity to interact with clients, discuss areas of improvement, operational challenges if any and way forward.
They also visited the Chinthana Training Center in Nainamadama. It is located in a 10-acre coconut plantation, 50Km from Colombo along the Colombo-Puttalam main road within half an hour’s drive from the Bandaranaike International Airport. Equipped with modern training facilities, it is ideal for conducting both outdoor and indoor training, seminars, conferences and other corporate events. The Board Members and the Executive Director had discussions with the Chinthana Team on how they can further develop this great space.
The FPA leadership and staff are committed to ensuring a high-quality service to the communities we serve.