Equipped and ready for action! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Equipped and ready for action!

Problems related to sexual and reproductive health are the leading cause of death and ill health globally for women of childbearing age. In times of crises, this susceptibility increases. Around the world, thousands of women and girls are subjected to sexual assault as well in conflict situations.

Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health Services into humanitarian response interventions and addressing Gender-Based Violence has been a key focus in FPA Sri Lanka's response efforts in the aftermath of the floods and landslides that took place in Sri Lanka in 2016 and 2017.

In preparing to face calamities that could occur in 2018, FPA Sri Lanka had a 2 day residential training for staff on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in Emergencies, so that the Staff, are geared with adequate information and knowledge to tackle same, if and when they arise. MISP is a set of priority lifesaving interventions required to respond to Reproductive Health needs at the onset of every humanitarian crisis.

The Facilitators were: Dr. Yakandawala (SPRINT Project Head/Director-Medical of FPA Sri Lanka) and Mr.Rangika Wickramage (Assistant Director-Public Affairs, Policy & Advocacy, FPA Sri Lanka/SPRINT Project Coordinator)

Some of the key topics addressed were:

  • Prevention and management of the consequences of sexual violence
  • Management & transmission of HIV & STIs
  • Prevention of excess maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity


We pledge to support emergency response efforts at the onset of natural disasters and conflict; to support the Government and related stakeholders, ensuring the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services in emergencies.

Our work continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of those affected.


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