Do you decide what you do with your own body? | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Do you decide what you do with your own body?

Do you decide what you do with your own body? Do you decide who you love and how? Shockingly many women and men around the world are denied these basic rights simply due to lack of access to information and knowledge about these rights.  As world leaders decide on what replaces the Millennium Development Goals, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) launched the ‘I decide’ campaign to ensure that Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights (SRHR)

 are at the heart of post-2015 development framework.

With an aim of reaching one million signatures to present to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in 2015, several Member Association of the IPPF (including FPA Sri Lanka) launched the ‘I Decide’ campaign in their respective countries on the 13th May 2014; the Global Day of Action.

 FPA Sri Lanka and the South Asia Regional Office of IPPF collaboratively launched the ‘I Decide’ Campaign at the World Conference on Youth, Colombo Sri Lanka, thereby obtaining support from not only the Lankans but also those from overseas. As an organization, FPA Sri Lanka launched its campaign at the office premises on the ‘Global Day of Action’ encouraging staff to sign the global petition and urging them to play a greater role in supporting the Vision2020 goals.

 As a federation, a set of 10 goals were listed to encourage governments, non-governmental organizations, donors and other key stakeholders to ensure the universal realization of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for all. These unifying set of goals are coined as, Vision2020.

 In order to get the message across all borders, FPA Sri Lanka will continue the campaign via the organization’s Social Media Networks (i.e Facebook and Twitter).

 To pledge your support to this campaign and the Vision2020 sign the petition today and let your voice be heard!

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