District Training's on Minimum Initial Service Package | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

District Training's on Minimum Initial Service Package

District Training's on Minimum Initial Service Package in Emergencies (MISP) The SPRINT Initiative (Sexual Reproductive Health Programme in crisis and post-crisis situations) was designed to address gaps in the implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health which is a set of priority activities to be implemented at the onset of an emergency. The goal of the MISP is to reduce mortality, ill-health and disability through the application of a set of clinical interventions provided using an agreed approach and set of guidelines to meet Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) needs in emergencies.

FPA Sri Lanka with support from the SPRINT Initiative of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and in collaboration with the Ministry of Disaster Management initiated strengthening the capacity of service providers to the integration of SRH in all aspects of health emergency and disaster risk management to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from emergencies, thus protecting public health, health services and infrastructure. Training workshops were carried out for DMC staff and officials involved in Nongovernment Organizations working under the scope of disaster relief, humanitarian response, disaster service and assistance from the 25th-29th of April. Specific objectives of these work shops were to;

  • Foster an awareness of key SRH risks and actions or interventions that are appropriate across the different phases of the emergency continuum
  • Provide basic understanding on different communication strategies and resources that could be used in an emergency; the basic principles of logistics and describe resources available to support logistics;
  • Provide methodology and guidance on how to prevent Gender Based Violence during emergencies.
  • Provide understanding on maternal and newborn health aspects and how to care for them during an emergency and in EPP.


Here is a brief overview of the programmes that took place: Galle District Training - at Aradhana Hotel-Richmond Hill Participants were from the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society and the Disaster Management Center (DMC). The 2 day MISP training was facilitated by Dr. Harishchandra Yakandawala(National Consultant, Health Emergency Management, WHO), Dr. Dinesh Fernando- University of Peradeniya, Dr. Neththanjalee Mapitigama- Family Health Bureau, Mr. Chatura Liyanarachi- Disaster Management Center, Sri Lanka, Mr. Sinu Chacko- IPPF-SPRINT and the FPA Sri Lanka team comprising Mr Ananda Bodhinayake( Assistant Director Public Affairs and Advocacy) and Mr Rangika Wickramage ( Senior Manager, Advocacy Unit). IPPF-SPRINT and FPA Sri Lanka partnered with Sri Lanka Red Cross Society, Galle district branch and handed over 250 dignity kits to the Galle DMC for prepositioning and distribution. Badulla District Training at Palgahathenna Training Center-Passara A 2-day MISP training was conducted from by IPPF-SPRINT in collaboration with the Badulla District Disaster Management unit and FPA Sri Lanka. The training was attended by participants from the Badulla District Disaster Management Center (DMC), Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, National Child Protection Authority, Public Health Inspectors and Medical Officers, and Badulla Red cross Society staff. Following the training, IPPF-SPRINT and FPA Sri Lanka staff handed over 500 dignity kits to the Badulla DMC that would be prepositioned accordingly.

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