CSE enables children and youth to make conscious, healthy and respectful choices about relationships and sexuality!
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is essential for better preparing children and young people for their future. To be better citizens and, ultimately, happier and more caring human beings. They learn about respect, consent, gender equality and how to accept and celebrate differences in others rather than fear them.
Accurate, age-appropriate information, knowledge and skills are key to avoiding teenage pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections. Our Batticaloa Service Delivery Point conducted a two-day programme for BT/KK/Karuvakkeny Vigneswara college students.
Resource persons - Mr.Anees (PHI)- MOH office, Valaichenai, Dr. Kalam (Medical Officer)- Base Hospital, Valaichenai, Mr.Sabapathy Chandramohan ( Tutor in Public Health ) - MOH office, Valaichenai, S.H.Imthiyas - Manager (FPASL), M.A.F.Asrifa - Counsellor (FPASL)