Condom Marketing Programme: Knowledge exchange meeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Condom Marketing Programme: Knowledge exchange meeting

The Social Enterprise Hub along with the Social Marketing Programme (SMP) team of FPA Sri Lanka facilitated a one day residential learning and knowledge exchange visit for a small delegation on 22nd February in Colombo. The meeting was a technical support intervention related to Social Enterprise and Technical Assistance Network funded projects.

The delegation included Lisa Locke, Senior Technical Advisor, Business Development & Income Diversification – IPPF ARO, Una Ngwenya, Chief Executive Officer- BOFWA ( Botswana), Eklou Akolly, Communication, Marketing and Resource Mobilization – ATBEF (Togo) and Daniel McCartney , Technical Adviser, HIV at IPPF CO.

FPASL facilitators included - Ms. Thushara Agus (Executive Director - FPASL), Mr. Suhail Junaid [Director (Marketing) - FPASL], Mr. Amila Gunasekara [Assistant Director (Marketing) - FPASL] and Mr. Rishikesh Thiyagaraja (Manager - IPPF Social Enterprise Hub).

Daniel attended the meeting as an observer and in his capacity of working on a key project connected to IPPF's Comprehensive condom Programme.

During the course of the meeting, the delegates were introduced to FPASL's condom marketing framework, practices on branding and promotions, an on site tour of the operations and an off-site interaction with the pharmaceutical distributors. The forum also provided an opportunity for the Botswana (BOFWA) and Togo (ATBEF) MAs to share information on their market status on condoms and to date progress on research and business readiness. Recommendations and next steps were also agreed to ensure a collaborative approach with an aim to develop the two MAs social enterprise models.

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