Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Sri Lanka- the need of the hour! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Sri Lanka- the need of the hour!

Contrary to what opponents of sexuality education often claim, CSE is not just about sex. When delivered well, it promotes health and well-being, respect for human rights and gender equality, and empowers children and young people to lead safe and productive lives. Notably, it teaches that all forms of gender-based violence are wrong, and a violation of human rights.

Young people not only learn how to recognise and stay away from all forms of gender-based violence, but they also learn how to prevent it, to not perpetrate it, and know where to get help. They also learn essential life skills such as empathy, negotiation, decision-making and critical thinking, encouraging them to question social and cultural norms that support unequal gender and power structures, and which often lead to violence. 

Through CSE, the next generation of children and young people stand in the best position to help create an inclusive and gender equal society.

FPA Sri Lanka, through Service Delivery Points carry out Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programmes to address this need.

  • The FPA Suwa Sewa centre in Batticaloa conducted a 3 day CSE Training Workshop for students of BT/KK/Kalkudah Namagal Vidyalayam and BT/KK/Pethalai Vipulananda College from the 9th - 11th of February, 2019.
  • A CSE programme was conducted for students of the Skills Management Institute in Gampaha from the 23-25th of January 2019.


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