The Commission on Population and Development opened its 49th session | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The Commission on Population and Development opened its 49th session

The Commission on Population and Development opened its 49th session on April 11, 2016 under the theme: "Strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post-2015 development agenda" at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Bureau was chaired by Dr. Mwaba Patricia Kasese-Bota (Zambia) with vice-chairpersons Mr. Ebrahim Alikhani (Iran), Ms. Oana Rebedea (Romania), Ms. Patricia Chemor Ruiz (Mexico) and Ms. Nadine Skale (Germany).

CPD49 reached agreement on strengthening the demographic evidence base for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, noting the importance of demographic data and analysis for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and leaving no one behind. Governments also made decisions on the Commission's future organization and methods of work. In his address UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasized the importance of statistics for tracking progress and including everyone, describing the role of data in ending inequalities, helping people who are hard to reach and providing optimal public health services. He further stated that securing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), promoting gender equality, investing in the needs of both youth and older persons, and addressing “mass displacement” and population movements are critical to achieving the SDGs. In her opening address, Commission Chair Mwaba Patricia Kasese-Bota (Zambia) stressed the importance of reliable, timely demographic data for planning and implementing the SDGs and monitoring progress. Sri Lanka was represented by Staff (First Secretary) of Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, New York.

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