A capacity building workshop on gender-based violence for General Practitioners | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

A capacity building workshop on gender-based violence for General Practitioners

A capacity building workshop on gender-based violence for General Practitioners in the Colombo District was held on the 09thDecember 2015. After the sessions, a film was screened and an interactive discussion on community interventions in preventing GBV was facilitated by Dr. Achini Jayatilleke- Medical Officer, FPA Sri Lanka with the support of Dr. Sumithra Tissera; Medical Director- FPA Sri Lanka.  The programme culminated with the handing over of certificates to the participants.

The sessions conducted were as follows;

‘Gender, Gender stereotyping and Gender attitudes’ by Dr Lakshmen Senanayake, “Health and Non Health consequences of GBV & Health Sector for GBV prevention” and “Barriers to seeking and providing care” by Dr. Nethanjalee Mapitigama- Consultant Community Physician & Gender Focal Point/MoH, “Key findings of assessment & screening for GBV at FPA Sri Lanka” by Dr.Achini Jayatilleke Medical Officer- FPA Sri Lanka, “Human rights and GBV -Legal options”, DV prevention law and collaborating with other stake holders” by Ms. Sumithra Fernando Women In Need (WIN), “GP’s role in providing GBV services” by Dr. Shreen Willathgamuwa, Council Member, College of GPs, “Providing Emotional Support for GBV survivors” by Dr. Manoj Fernando; Senior Lecturer, Health Promotion and “Counseling for GBV survivors” by Ms. Badra Udawatta Professional Counselor , FPA Sri Lanka.



Alokaya Councelling centre organised a drama therapy workshop which saw the participation of over 60 persons, which included 30 counsellors from the Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare. Mr Ravindra Ranasinha( Drama Therapist) and Ms. Badra Udawatta (Psychological Counsellor) presented sessions on psycho drama modules, how to apply them during  counselling sessions, related therapies and  innovative techniques. The participants gained valuable knowledge and skills to further their career development using new therapeutic methods such as Psycho drama therapy and related practices.

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