“Advocacy for SRHR—updates, challenges and way forward” Workshop to commemorate Human Rights Day 2018 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

“Advocacy for SRHR—updates, challenges and way forward” Workshop to commemorate Human Rights Day 2018

The 16 Days of Activism against GBV, is the global campaign that runs from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) and culminated today, the 10th of December 2018(Human Rights Day). FPA Sri Lanka spearheaded the #16days campaign under the theme “Eliminating Unsafe Abortion" and was supported by the Coalition for Safe Abortion which comprised  Dabindu, Praja Diriya Padanama, The Grassrooted Trust, YANSL, The Feminist Catholic Network, Foundation for Innovative Social Development, Sri Lanka Development Journalists Forum, Voice of Humans, Women's Education and Research Centre and Chrysalis. ( FPA Sri Lanka is a part of this coalition). 

To commemorate Human Rights Day, a full day programme was carried out at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute under the theme “Advocacy for SRHR—updates, challenges and way forward”.

Objectives were to:

1. Provide updates on current controversial and challenging issues facing us Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights advocates.

2. Reach a shared understanding of priorities and strategies for FPA Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka. 

3. To develop action plans for the future

Informative and interactive sessions were carried out by Dr. Kapila Jayaratne(Family Health Bureau,Ministry of Health. -Programme Manager in charge of Maternal and Child Health)  and Dr Suchitra Dalvie ( Coordinator, Asia Safe Abortion partnership).


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